How To SAVE When Opening A Physiotherapy Clinic
How To SAVE When Opening A Physiotherapy Clinic
The idea of saving money right now and saving money in the long term are two different conclusions which will effect the equipment you choose for your physiotherapy clinic.
In this article we will discuss which items will help you save money right now.
We have opened physiotherapy clinics with very small budgets all the way up to state of the art hospital rehab departments. There is a solution for every budget. When you are looking to setup a clinic on a tight budget these are our recommendations
Pre-Owned Equipment
With the right planning, you can set up a clinic entirely with pre-owned physiotherapy equipment. There is of course some risk to this. If you are unfamiliar with what you should be looking for, you may have some unexpected repairs.
At HealthMed we run a consignment program where we carefully check and repair pre-owned equipment so that you know that your new to you equipment will be ready to use.Â
This is the #1 way to save. You are likely to find some great pieces of equipment at low prices, but to do this successfully you have to start looking for your equipment early and be prepared to store it until you are ready to open your clinic
Contact us and let us know what you are looking for! We will keep your information on file and contact you when we find something you may be interested in.Â

Skip The Name Brands
We all know the famous brands, but there are plenty of non name brand pieces of equipment that accomplish the same task and are still good quality
The best area to save on non name brands is everyday clinic supplies like taping products and exercise bands. Products like these have come a long way in recent years and are very similar to their name brand counterparts.

Find Brands That Innovate
In most industries, the company that started producing a device will be the most well known, but as other manufacturers come into the market, they improve on the technology. This is very common with physiotherapy equipment.
Innovative brands, like our Zimmer Shockwave are lower cost than comparable devices that were produced earlier. Additionally, due to newer technology being used in the shockwave, it has proven to have better longevity than comparable devices. Search for devices like this when looking to save money when opening a physiotherapy clinic
New, Innovative brands often have features pre-built that were previously only found in higher models of older brands. This in itself if a huge cost savings so that you can get advanced treatment abilities included in the base model price

Purchase Everything from One Supplier
This is the most overlooked way to save money when opening a physiotherapy clinic. By buying everything (or most items) from one supplier you may qualify for special clinic opening discounts. HealthMed has a special program where your discount extends beyond your clinic opening date, just incase you forget something during your initial setup and to help out the clinics that are taking their time to grow.Â
By doing this you can also save a huge amount of money shipping costs as the shipment can be compiled together. This is often overlooked because shipping costs can seem small on each order, but they can add up quickly.Â