Why Should Every Therapy Clinic Have Shuttle Equipment?
Costing less than commercial leg presses, the Shuttle is one of the most versatile pieces of therapy equipment with resistance levels between 180-600 lbs!
Allows you to do exercises normally needing an unweighted system; you can adjust the weight with the bands making therapy a little easier.
Exercises can be done for both lower and upper body.
- Train eccentric and concentric exercise providing twice the efficiency as concentric alone.
- (jumping) which you can’t do on most therapy clinical exercise equipment
- Isolate different muscle groups in legs or shoulders, by foot or hand placement
- Train maximum control that muscles are able to exert
- Single Leg Plyometrics: Therapists note knee fails by knee lateral movement training
- Can do exercise without putting pressure on the back since you are lying down.
- Gives same proprio feedback as standing on an unstable surface by having a wobble board attached to the kickplate.
- Important for elderly and fear of falling
You can treat a wide range of needs, from right after knee surgeries to performance athletes.
- It’s rare to find a piece of equipment the elderly and the young are both comfortable on and both feel challenged
It has a relatively small foot print for all the exercise abilities.
- 96”L x 36”W 243.84mm x 91.44mm (differs between shuttle type/brand)
Shuttles can last the life of your business career.
- Up to 40 years
- Minimal maintenance
Therapy clinics without shuttles need multiple pieces of equipment that the shuttle achieves alone.
The therapy Shuttle provides therapists the most versatility in a single machine.
Contact Healthmed or Order Here. We look forward to serving your therapy clinic equipment needs!